Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Rice Pressures Israel To Open Borders

Ah, Condi. Dear naive Condi. Let the body count begin.

Israel, Palestinians OK Gaza Border Deal

JERUSALEM - Prodded by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, Israel and the Palestinians agreed Tuesday on details for opening the borders of the Gaza Strip and allowing freer movement for Palestinians elsewhere, a significant step toward an eventual peace deal between historic enemies.

Ms Rice? It's like this, you see. For, oh about 900 years now the moslems have been attacking Christianity & Judaism. You can Google the word "Crusades" to see how, bit by bit, the moslem world captured one Christian country after another until many European nobles got together and literally bankrupted themselves to push them back.

Psst...Condi? They're still at it. They aren't going away. The Jews are toast if they open their borders.

Click here for a good reference: The Real History of the Crusades

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