Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Some Apparently Tortured Detainees Found

How is one "apparently tortured"?

Beg pardon? Turn to Page One of the Al-Queda handbook and it tells one how to feign abuse?

Whew, that explains it then. Be nice if one, just one of these detweillers who are so worried about little Ali being mistreated would define torture.

Quick now...a loved one, wife, husband, child or parent is being held captive by a terrorist organization. The authorities have captured one of the gang who knows where your child is.
You want the cops to be real gentle with this dude now don't you. Sit him down, fetch him a latte, let him put his feet up.

Clues for the clueless: I've partipated in questioning prisoners. Detainees, whatever you'd wish to call them. If they wear a uniform it goes one way, and if they don't it goes another way. And how hard that way ends up depends on how desperate the questioners are of obtaining information.

Case closed. War isn't pretty and is SUPPOSED to be offensive. Anyone who cannot deal with that best learn to forget it because neither war nor human nature is changing anytime soon.

We're pansy's in comparison to what went on in the not too distant past, and will undoubtedly go on in the future. And happens every day via the hands of our sworn enemies.

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