Friday, November 18, 2005

Well I'll Be A Monkey's Uncle...Krauthammer Disses ID

Phony Theory, False Conflict

'Intelligent Design' Foolishly Pits Evolution Against Faith
By Charles Krauthammer

"Because every few years this country, in its infinite tolerance, insists on hearing yet another appeal of the Scopes monkey trial, I feel obliged to point out what would otherwise be superfluous: that the two greatest scientists in the history of our species were Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein, and they were both religious.

Newton's religion was traditional. He was a staunch believer in Christianity and a member of the Church of England. Einstein's was a more diffuse belief in a deity who set the rules for everything that occurs in the universe."

Neither saw science as an enemy of religion. On the contrary. "He believed he was doing God's work," James Gleick wrote in his recent biography of Newton. Einstein saw his entire vocation -- understanding the workings of the universe -- as an attempt to understand the mind of God.
Not a crude and willful God who pushes and pulls and does things according to whim. Newton was trying to supplant the view that first believed the sun's motion around the earth was the work of Apollo and his chariot, and later believed it was a complicated system of cycles and epicycles, one tacked upon the other every time some wobble in the orbit of a planet was found. Newton's God was not at all so crude. The laws of his universe were so simple, so elegant, so economical and therefore so beautiful that they could only be divine.

Which brings us to Dover, Pa., Pat Robertson, the Kansas State Board of Education, and a fight over evolution that is so anachronistic and retrograde as to be a national embarrassment."

A national embarassment indeed, but we have to give the Europeans SOME reason to feel superior, don't we?

I.D. IS a joke becaue shameful people take all that science can offer when it comes to biology and medicine and making life more tolerable, then tries to turn the tables by cherry picking what they feel doesn't effect them one way or another and calling it balderdash.

Were they truly 100% behind such nonsense they'd dispense with ALL of the trappings of modern society and live as their intelligent designer intended them to. Some religious sects do precisely that, but amazingly they are not the ones making fools of themselves in front of the world...that's left to the quite rich fella's like Pat Robertson who avails HIMSELF of everything modern medicine has to offer. And owns fancy cars and jets and look him in the eye and ask if he'd stake the lives of one of his grandchildren to modern medicine or prayer if the situation became desperate.

And I'd like to think that all the countless millions of lives modern biology has saved amounts to something, so stick to it guys and gals, and sorry for the assholes making a fuss.

Hooligans all, and off with their heads.

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