Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Yesiree Bob, It's That There Mess In Potamia...

This is how insidious these incredibly bad liars can be.

Okay so I've been raging on the the NY Slimes for a while, and had very nearly forgotten to include the following until I dropped by Misha's website.

New York Times:

"On Sunday, Jordanian officials announced that Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the Jordanian leader of Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia, was responsible for planning the bombings ..."

Yep. Mesopotamia. That's Greek of course for...fanfare please...IRAQ. The same IRAQ that has NOTHING to FRICKIN DO with Al Qaeda, or so the slimballs have been screaming ever since W screwed their free-Mercedes a month parties funded by the oil-for-food program when he invaded MESOPOTAMIA and chased Soddam'd Stupid down into that cesspool.

So can you believe this? The TIMES simply CAN'T, they just CAN'T admit they were wrong, so instead of calling a spade a spade they obfuscate because they know damned well that most of their illiterate "readers"* wouldn't know Mesopotamia from Atlantis.

*Aw c'mon Maaaaaaa. Lend me some cash so I can afford Times Select and you can read me the stories about how BUSH LIED PEOPLE DIED.

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