Monday, November 14, 2005

Who HASN'T The UN Managed To Swindle Under Kofi's Reign?

Subtitled: If this is what they've found, can you imagine how much was actually ripped off by this crew? The saga of Koki, Kofi, and the Mercedes.

Claudia Rosett on United Nations on National Review Online

"The saga of the Mercedes began with Kojo Annan's trip to a car show in Geneva, Switzerland, in early 1998, where "he saw a Mercedes Benz vehicle that he wished to buy for his personal use" and in order to get a U.N. discount — although he did not work for the U.N. — "he set out to buy the car in his father's name." This led later to a note dated November 13, 1998, unearthed from a U.N. computer by the Volcker committee, in which Kofi Annan's personal secretary, Wagaye Assebe, relayed a message from Kojo to Kofi Annan, requesting a signature from the U.N. executive office "re: the car he is trying to purchase under your name." Kofi Annan has told the Volcker committee he does not recall seeing this note, and would not have allowed anyone at the U.N. to sign such a request in his name.

But somehow or other, according to Volcker, the Mercedes purchase did take place in Kofi Annan's name, with Kojo Annan paying $39,056 for the car after a 14.3-percent U.N. discount. And sometime around November 13, 1998, Kojo contacted Abdoulie Janneh, who was then serving as resident representative of the U.N. Development Program in Kofi Annan's native Ghana. Janneh, a Gambian who joined the U.N. in 1979, is described in the Volcker report as an Annan "family acquaintance." Kojo Annan asked Janneh's help in arranging to ship the Mercedes into Ghana under duty-free privileges granted exclusively to the secretary-general. Volcker reports that "Kojo Annan falsely represented to Mr. Janneh that the car was intended for the personal use of the Secretary-General."

Read it in it's entirety. If you've even a modicum of decency be prepared to feel ill. Now hold on a sec while I check to see what the Times is saying about all this.


Hmm. Couldn't find a bloody thing. I mean, they rave on and on about the Libby indictment when all he did was not remember as well as a hundred or so other people combined, but the son of the grand poo-bah of the United Nations is involved in fraud and...wait...lemme look again.


Back. Nada. Zilch. Zero.

I am stunned. But they ARE still featuring a 20 FRICKIN year old statement by Sam Alito as their top of the page, now-hear-this headline:

Court Pick Described View on Abortion in '85 Document

Yeah. It's gonna be as bad as Roberts if not worse. We'll be forced to wade through how Sam coached his Little Leaguers to slide spikes first while shouting "Liberals Kill Babies" before this is said and done. Or how on a trip to the Lincoln Memorial when he was 7 he fell ill so this PROVES he hates blacks.

Sorry to have drifted off topic but that's what happens when you force me to go and read the NY Times.

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