Thursday, December 01, 2005

Ann Is Somewhat Appalled By The Murtha Love-Fest...

Indeed. It's called...politics, Ann. And while agreeing with everything you say, I do call attention to the fact that you, my dear, are a scribe, and not a politico. Yes, Murtha was given the benefit of his service to the country...something I as a Marine would NOT have given him because the man willfully and with great malice aforethought gave support to our enemy...because he's a member of their club and it's only politically correct to defame Republican war heroes such as Ollie North.

Know why? Because we can take it. We don't need to be coddled in the embrace of the mutual admiration society that refers to itself as Congress. Marines, I mean, not war heroes because I certainly would never speak of myself as such. And yes, Ollie released HIS DD-214 and Murtha and Kerry will not, but it gets back again to who has the broadest shoulders and allows the nonsense to roll off like so much bilgewater that is quite unfit to rage about.

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When Democratic Rep. John Murtha called for the withdrawal of American troops in the middle of the war, Republicans immediately leapt to action by calling Murtha a war hero, a patriot and a great American. I haven't heard Republicans issue this many encomiums to one man since Ronald Reagan died.

By now, Murtha has been transformed into the greatest warrior since Alexander the Great and is probably dating Jennifer Aniston. In response to Murtha's demand for the "immediate withdrawal of American troops" — as The New York Times put it — President Bush called Murtha a "fine man, a good man" who served with "honor and distinction," who "is a strong supporter of the United States military." He said he knew Murtha's "decision to call for an immediate withdrawal of our troops ... was done in a careful and thoughtful way." Vice President Dick Cheney called Murtha "a good man, a Marine, a patriot."

Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said Murtha is "a fine man, I know him personally ... and it's perfectly proper to have a debate over these things, and have a public debate." National Security Adviser Steve Hadley called in his praise for Murtha from South Korea, saying Murtha was "a veteran, a veteran congressman and a great leader in the Congress."

During the House debate on Murtha's insane proposal to withdraw troops in the middle of the war, Rep. Henry Hyde, R-Ill., said Murtha deserved an "A-plus as a truly great American," and Rep. Curt Weldon, R-Pa., said "none of us should think of questioning his motives or desires for American troops."

Read all of Ann's rant, please do.

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