Thursday, December 01, 2005

"Reality" As Seen Through The Eyes Of The ASSociated Puss...Strike That, Press.

BAGHDAD, Iraq - Suicide bombings fell in November to their lowest level in seven months, the American military said Thursday, citing the success of U.S.-Iraqi military operations against insurgent and foreign fighter sanctuaries near the Syrian border."

Huh? The Associated Press reporting good news? From whence does this strange event cometh?

"But the trend in Iraq has not resulted in less bloodshed: 85 US troops died during the month,
one of the highest tolls since the invasion

Sweet mother of pearl and her sister Katie. It's like watching an episode of Commander in Chitlins or whatever the name of that ridiculous lookee here we gots us a gal Prezeedent comedy that tries passing itself off as a drama.

They report that some serious fighting has occured on the Syrian border, then try to turn good news into bad by telling us that there's been some casualties.

Of FRICKIN' COURSE there were relatively high casualties, you idjits. The fighting was hot and heavy to stop the Syrians, and Iraninans, and for all I know the Venusians from entering the country and after impregnating a goat or two along the way drop off some serious explosives to their brothers in beastiality. The losses we incur NOW pay dividends LATER. Not that I'm seriously looking for "dividends" in a shooting war, this thing is going to get worse before it gets better because trapped rats fight harder and once they come to the conclusion that their "cause is lost, look for an all-out press to influence the Murtha's of the world into surrenduring faster than a full-blooded Frenchman would.

And, you ask yourself, why does this continue to irk me, me a combat veteran who knows that the media does as it pleases to sell laundry detergent and SUV's and breakfast cereals without a care in the world for truth?

I was there when Cronkite announced we'd been defeated. This after kicking the NVA and VC ass all the way back to old Uncle Mao. I saw victory flushed down the toilet by the lying sacks of shit who knew that nothing gets as much attention as a burning wreck alongside the highway, unless it's a war they've convinced us we've lost.

There's a new sheriff in town this time around and he isn't letting them pull the same shit, not without a fight. What is going on in Iraq is nothing short of miraculous, and it pisses me off that I'm not there to pitch in, so I do what I can with what I've got left.

Did I say left?

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