Saturday, December 03, 2005

BANGKOK, Thailand - Visitors to a night safari in northern Thailand won't get to taste exotic animal meats as previously planned because the wildlife dishes sparked a storm of criticism and have been taken off the zoo menu, the project's director said Monday.

The Chiang Mai Night Safari Zoo announced last week an "Exotic Buffet" for VIP guests at its grand opening next year, which was to include tiger, lion, elephant and giraffe. But now only farm-raised alligator and ostrich will be served at the night safari, project director Plodprasop Suraswadi said in a statement.

"Any animal that is on display (at the zoo) will not be on the menu because it will cause confusion and misunderstanding about the intentions of the Chiang Mai Night Safari," Plodprasop said.

Confusion from Westerners, not the locals. For as long as there have been animals there have been menus featuring them as the main course, and Thailand eatery's regularly feature critters I can guarantee you've never tasted. Housecat? On the menu. Various breeds of dog? On the menu. Dolphins, whales, and I once saw something reported to be American Bald Eagle but passed. Want a little Bengal tiger urine instead of soy sauce? Not a problem.

And for the right price...because EVERYTHING is for sale in Asia...I can easily see the day when a visiting gazillionaire points to a particular animal in the zoo and says "that's the one, now name your price."

Just because they're off the main menu doesn't mean they won't see the diner table.

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