Saturday, December 03, 2005

Senior al-Qaeda terrorist blows himself up real good...

Pakistan's President Gen. Pervez Musharraf said Saturday that a senior Al Qaeda operative was killed in an explosion in a northwestern Pakistan tribal area.

There were conflicting reports, though, about what triggered the explosion that also killed four other people. A government official said it occurred while Hamza Rabia and others were making a bomb, but a Pakistani newspaper said the militants were killed in a missile attack.

Perhaps the Pakistani newspaper caught of dose of Little Green Fever, as Charles just yesterday featured a bogus story of a missile attack on a commercial airliner...his second in the past several months, but it does seem unlikely given the fact that LGF probably wouldn't be a source for anything coming from the moslem world.

Regardless of what caused this beast to expire, although it'd tickle me to no end knowing that the meatbombs are killing themselves and not getting the chance to apply for Virgin-Mideast tickets to Allah, it's a grand day when yet another monster bids farwell to his mortal coil and awakens in a hell especially created for the shallow end of the gene pool.

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Speak yer peace, fella's