Tuesday, December 06, 2005


Israeli Suicide Bomber Kills Five at Mall

By ARON HELLER, Associated Press

NETANYA, Israel - A Palestinian suicide bomber blew himself up Monday among shoppers waiting to enter a shopping mall in the central Israeli town of Netanya, killing at least five bystanders and wounding more than 30.

This is beyond incredible. Yahoo runs with an AP headline that an Israeli meatbomber kills 5 people, when it wasn't an Israeli at all but...now take a guess before I tell ya...what, you already saw that it was a PALESWINE, ah gee.

Unreal. A moslem kills shoppers at a Jewish mall and the AP makes a CNN-like "mistake".

I raced over to LGF, and yes, Charles was featuring this "error" as well but since I won't go to Pajamas Media someone wil have to tell me if THEY made any mention of this atrocity.

Beg pardon? That would be topical? Mea culpa. So anyway, how's that earthshattering internet story of theirs coming along...

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Speak yer peace, fella's