Tuesday, December 06, 2005

New Large Carnivore Spotted in Borneo

JAKARTA, Indonesia — A catlike creature photographed by camera traps in Borneo is likely to be a new species of carnivore, the World Wildlife Fund said Tuesday.
If confirmed, the animal — which has dark red fur and a long, bushy tail — would be the first new carnivore species discovered on the island since 1895, when the Borneo ferret-badger was found, the fund said.

Having once lived in Borneo, this does not surprise me. Me, the doubting Thomas par excellance. So very many strange, exotic creatures prancing around those forests and so few people to get in their way.

I saw this article earlier today and immediately fired off an email to an aquaintance in Jakarta, and he said that yes indeed, there have been sightings of all sorts of odd animals as of late, and sent back this picture as proof.

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