Thursday, December 01, 2005

Bush Gives It To The Martha's

Strike that...Murtha's. Same thing? Okay.

New York Post Online Edition: postopinion

by John Podhoretz

December 1, 2005 -- "GOD bless Jack Murtha. Yesterday we saw how this old patriot, ex-Marine and current Democratic congressman once again came to the aid of his country as he did 40 years ago in Vietnam. Thanks to Jack, President Bush, in a speech at the Naval Academy yesterday morning, spent 40 minutes explaining to the American people that our goal in Iraq is nothing less than "unconditional victory" against the forces of reaction, rejection and Islamic fascism."

J-Pod is a tad exuberant, but he's supposed to be. Politics is a daily grind, with one side taking the initiative one day and surrendering it the next, and to stay constantly aware of the other sides bickering lends credence to it.

But W DID need to get in someone's face and Murtha's silly Cut & Run statement several weeks ago was the perfect fuse to ignite the President's fire and ire.

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