Thursday, December 01, 2005

If It's Thursday...

Then it MUST be feature STOP The ACLU Day...

Then again, hardly a day goes by without us dropping a link to what STOP has to say, but give this a click if you'd be so kind. After all, who could possibly be a better watchdog, and what EVER did we do without them?

Stop The ACLU » Blog Archive » The War on Christmas

"Every year we have come to expect the ACLU to wage war on Christmas. Just recently, the ADF won a victory for a school threatened by the ACLU over a nativity scene. The ACLU have created an environment that has spread like a virus across the nation. The far left have taken the politically correct ball and ran with it. They have redefined in their own minds, and in the minds of many Americans that “all inclusive” means “excluding” Christianity.

The environment the ACLU have created through threatening tactics across the years have made many schools proactive. In order to avoid lawsuits, some schools straight out banned the C word. This year, however, legal groups are being preemptive. The Alliance Defense Fund has even devoted a website, and offered free legal advice to any who feel they are being censored this year."

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