Thursday, December 08, 2005

Chairman Ann Gets Booed Off The Stage...

Which is one of the reasons she does these things to begin with. Ann simply loves provoking the loons into making spectacles of themselves, and as sure as day follows night, they oblige.

Shut Up, They Explained
"Conservative columnist Ann Coulter gave up trying to finish a speech at the University of Connecticut on Wednesday night when boos and jeers from the audience became overwhelming," the Associated Press reports:

Coulter's appearance prompted protests from several groups, including Students Against Hate and the Puerto Rican/Latin American Cultural Center. They criticized her for spreading a message of hate and intolerance.
Nearly 100 students gathered inside the Student Union for a rally against Coulter. About a half-dozen people held protest signs outside the auditorium. . .

Eric Knudsen, a 19-year-old sophomore journalism and social welfare major at UConn, didn't attend the speech.
"We encourage diverse opinion at UConn, but this is blatant hate speech," said Knudsen, head of Students Against Hate.

In case you don't speak Liberalese, here's Knudsen's comment translated into English: We encourage diverse opinion at UConn, as long as it is exactly the same as our own opinion. And by the way, what the heck is a "social welfare major"?

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