Thursday, December 08, 2005

Decisions, Decisions...S&W .500, or .45 Colt/410 As A CCW...

The .45/410 is obviously not to scale when compared to the .500 Magnum, but it's still a tad over 9" long and would be more difficult to conceal. Even as a snub-nose, the .500 will crank out in excess of 2000 foot pounds of energy and is probably the closest thing to a definitive one-shot stopper with regard to handguns, but there's something way cool about a revolver that can feed .45 pipsqueak round itself...OR a 410 shotgun shell.

Since neither is anything a sane man would select it'll boil down to which weapon would piss off the most lefty loons, and while there's something to be said about the Roger Rabbit looks of the .45/410, declaring you're just about to whip out the most powerful handgun in the world might be the way to go.

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