Friday, December 02, 2005

I avowed not to pay attention to the Pajama Party and was doing just fine until Steve and Moxie made me blow bubbles through my nose with one rant after another. So I girded my loins, took the plunge, and have been breaking out in the hives ever since. Today's "feature" headline is all about the woman with the new face, something I was putting together a half-funny take on, and I now I simply cannot.

If Pajama features it, it can't be worth the powder to blow it to hell, but I guess in a way they ARE providing real bloggers a service.

If you're hesitant about featuring a story, check there first. Or ask someone else who already stops in if you have a gentle stomach and stale items make it all the more queasy. If the PJ's are running it, then stay the frig away unless it's an earthshattering event that MUST be commented upon.

Something akin to Roger Simon uttering three or four words in succession without promoting his THAT would qualify.

As always, you are quite welcome and thanks for your support.

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Speak yer peace, fella's