Friday, December 02, 2005

Ocra involved in a, a scam? Perish the thought...


"Reader John Neil Schuman is amused:

I saw a story on one of my local new channels today about Oprah Winfrey's favorite things for 2005. The item that made the top of the list was the Philip Stein Teslar Diamond Watch. Here is the description from her website:


Every Philip Stein timepiece has integrated active Teslar technology designed to reinforce the human body's electromagnetic field with a natural earth signal associated with calm, meditation, relaxation and enhanced performance. Experience the Teslar effect and let yourself feel more relaxed, more rested and less tense. The diamond-faced watch has 50 diamonds; the changeable band comes in six colors.

A typically inane, pseudo-scientific mess of claptrap, designed for the wealthy ignorant. That’s not all. It appears that this ludicrous item is also available at all Neiman Marcus locations, as well as at the site. Go there, and look at the illustration of this two-time-zone instrument, which is remarkable and unique in that it deals with international time zones that are 6 hours, 28 minutes, and 27 seconds apart! Surely that’s an added sales feature, though it couldn’t happen, even in Rangoon, Newfoundland, or Central Australia, where the time zones are a bit off-standard. The graphic artist who prepared this ludicrous illustration simply rotated the clock face through 180 degrees, to produce an impossible configuration.

A call to Neiman Marcus (phone number 566-6666 – is that significant?) brought the comment that the watch, to quote the sales clerk – is “supposed to do all these wonderful things.” No further data was available on those wonders. The price range is from $595 to $2,600 – depending entirely on the number of diamonds. Gee, my watch doesn’t have a single diamond"

Always more to scoff at over at the amazing one's site. Click in please do.

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