Saturday, December 03, 2005

MSM falls for al-Queda's use of file footage and believes "mini-Tet" in in the works

ThreatsWatch.Org: InBrief: The Ramadi Debacle

The reported “mini-Tet offensive” in Ramadi has turned out to be less than accurate. In fact, it has been anything but. The Associated Press reported a massive citywide insurgent attack, and Reuters and other news outlets quickly picked up on the story.

Captain Jeffery Pool, Public Affairs Officer for the 2nd Marine Division, disputed the claims in the harshest of terms, and rebuked the media for its mis characterization of events. “Today I witnessed inaccurate reporting, use of unreliable sources, media using other media as sources, an active insurgent propaganda machine, and the pack journalism at its worse.”

Cori Dauber, an Associate Professor of Communication Studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, looks at how old Associate Press Television Network footage was used to support the case for the faux “Ramadi Uprising” by all of the news networks, and little has been done to retract the charges.

The AP and other media organizations have bought into a sophisticated and clever al-Qaeda information operation designed to weaken support for the war in the United States and project an image of strength for the insurgency. After al-Qaeda’s defeat along the border, there is a dire need for them to do so."

Worked before, so why NOT try it again? Tet of '68 was the worst defeat the North Vietnamese were ever handed, but an obliging media spun the story to make it appear...well hell, you all know.

Said it before and will continue to remind them that it ain't gonna fly this time around. They might not check their sources but we do. Read the whole thing, please do.

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