Friday, December 09, 2005

The poor lil bomber...sniff...

Misha has HIS say on the killing of the deranged idjit who shouted bomb aboard an airliner...

"...heard that Katie “Technicolor Colon” Couric has been on TV, caterwauling about how the Air Marshals should’ve “shot to disable” rather than to kill, which is par for the course for Idiotarians knowing absolutely nothing about the proper and safe use of firearms.

We suppose that it would’ve been OK with Couric if the Air Marshals had shot for the arms and legs instead, killing a few innocent bystanders in the process, not to mention what would’ve happened if he had had a bomb and was going for the switch."

Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler

Misha is of course 100% correct. Shooting to wound is an entertainment media canard that just doesn't happen in real life, and for so very many reasons a doctoral thesis could be done on the subject. Bullets don't hurl people into the air or throw them to the ground; shoot a man in the arms or legs, or arms AND legs, and he's just as likely to stare at you and go about his business as anything else. Since Misha mentioned this nonsense the MSM has taken the goofy ball and run with it, now claiming that well gosh, some folks didn't hear him say he had a bomb at all and why wasn't there another way to handle the situation.

And there ARE other ways this could have been taken care of, but strapping him to a Saturn 5 rocket and launching his wacko ass to Mars would have been a bit time consuming seeing as how he wasn't paying attention to what the officers were saying and reaching into the same bag he claimed was loaded with explosives.


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