Friday, December 09, 2005

Iran President: Send The Jews To Europe...

December 9, 2005 -- "Iran's hard-line president said yesterday that Israel should be moved — to Europe.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad also denied the Holocaust took place, but suggested that Europeans felt guilty about Hitler so they encouraged the creation of a Jewish state in the Mideast.
"Some European countries insist on saying that during World War II, Hitler burned millions of Jews and put them in concentration camps," Ahmadinejad told reporters at an Islamic summit in Mecca.

"Although we don't accept this claim, if we suppose it is true, our question for the Europeans is: Is the killing of innocent Jewish people by Hitler the reason for their support to the occupiers of Jerusalem?" even a blind squirrel stumbles across an acorn or two along the way, and Mahmmy might be on to something. But instead of Israel, why don't we move Iran? Open the oil fields up for international distribution and send the Iranians somewhere as hectic and dirty and crazed as they've become accustomed to so they don't miss a step.

France. In a few decades ethnic Frenchmen will be a thing of the past anyway, and since Europe itself is on it's way to becoming Eurabia, this might very well be the perfect match.

Thanks for the idea, Mahmmy.


  1. The Holy Spirit's message on The Christian Prophet blog today calls for a transformation of the Democratic Party and a transformation of the Muslim religion. Some fun we'll have watching all this.

  2. If ethnic Frenchmen ARE displaced, I see only one viable home for them. First, we totally shut down the southern borders with Mexico. This leaves the rich folks of California without gardners, and the fruit growers without pickers.

    Europe immediately reactivates the Concord, and begins sending replacement-Frenchmen as fast as they can. I know, I know; we're exchanging one group of uneducated foreigners for another, but they DID give us the Statue of Liberty, and we make them learn a real language pronto. All of the fast-food joints could then start advertising that they're using REAL French Folks to make their Fries, and in a few years or so they forget about snails in butter sauce being considered as food for humans.

    I see a lot of potential up-side to this, but admit that training THEM to live with civilized people might very well be as hard as it is with the Mexicans, but at least we'd wind up with a secure border.

    As far as the Democrats or the moslems being transformed, well, ain't gonna happen. Islam believes in genesis and a great deal of the old testament as well, but clings to 7th century retribution as a method of settling differences.

    And the Dems...the Dems will get real religion when pigs fly. They're the anti-religion which is really just another religion unto itself.

    Thanks for the comments, folks. Appreciate it.


Speak yer peace, fella's