Friday, December 09, 2005

Ralph Peters On Doctor Defeat...

by Ralph Peters

December 9, 2005 -- WE can't win in Iraq: Howard Dean said so — guess it must be true.
Doc Dean, famed for his deadly surgery on the Democratic Party, has been hiding his true light under a camouflage-painted bushel. He's a military genius. Who knew?
Forget that Dean never bothered to serve in uniform (too important). Ignore his lack of experience in Iraq or the Muslim world (too busy). Don't chide him for his ignorance of military history (too boring). And let's give him a pass for providing the perfect intro to terror-chieftain Ayman al-Zawahiri's frantic insistence that America can't win.
Just accept that Howard Dean, from his battle-hardened position atop the Democrats' Central Committee — sorry, I meant "National Committee" — knows more than our troops, their commanders or the millions of Iraqis anxious to go to the polls on Dec. 15.
Evidence doesn't matter anymore. Emotion and ambition rule. Dean cast the secret astrological charts and found Aquarius rising. If we just abandon the Iraqi people to terror, peace will reign in the heavens and on earth.
Well, Merry Christmas and happy holidays to our troops who are risking their lives for what Dr. Dean assures us is a lost and worthless cause."

Yes, the Dems invented the good-idiot, bad-idiot, style of squeezing money from various sources, and the troops be damned because such tactics work. The Kos-Kids rally to support their Dr. Defeat...not that they actually vote, mind you, but they ARE a steady source of income...while the more moderate liberals (there's such a' thing?) enjoy the waffling style of could'a, should'a, would'a, ala Pelosi, Martha, and Kerry.

Did I say Martha? I meant Murtha. Sorry. It's hard remembering the names of all these old drama queens.


  1. I agree with you on these liberal morons - Here is my FAVORITE line concerning Jack Murtha - from Mark Steyn of the Washington Times:

    "It's almost acceptable in polite society to disagree with Mr. Murtha, but only if you do so after a big 20-minute tongue bath about "what a fine man" he is."

    You gotta love that!

    By the way, I have been putting this out to fellow Bloggers, hoping to spread the word about this great idea for Iraqi election day:

    Conservative radio personality Bill Bennet suggested that on Iraq's upcoming election day (December 15th), in a show of support for the Iraqi people and our mission there, his listeners should also apply purple to one of their index fingers. This seemingly childish idea is clever in its subtlety. It will be like Ash Wednesday, without the ash (or religion)!

    I think this is an excellent idea, and hope that many others will follow suit with the message.

    Cheers, Timmer

  2. Purple fingers to show support. Hmm. The wife would think I'd been trying to make kool aide again but I see the point.

    Good idea, and thanks for stopping by.


Speak yer peace, fella's