Friday, December 02, 2005

Round 3 of the NY Post's attack on handguns...

"How many more sons must die?

"When will we get rid of the guns?"

Never. There's this thing we call bad-guys, you see. The tougher the laws the more expensive their purchases, and right now a halfway decent used handgun is going for approximately $400 in Manhattan. The same gun legally purchased from a reputable dealer is $300. Call it the street markup. Want something fancy, something with bling, and the sky's the limit. And don't I just love these bleeding heart columnists who scream for protection from the killers at the expense of the law-abiding.

Send them to jail for life if they commit a crime with a firearm. Give them the needle if they kill someone. Make the punishment so dreadful that their attitudes change, and believe me, they WILL change. First and foremost, we're talking about cowards, and cowards don't race into the jaws of death.

For every killer that is permanently removed from society, as many as 18 innocent people are saved from rape, robbery, and/or murder.

And they want to SAVE TOOKIE. If Tookie's death sentence is commuted, then they'll want to FREE TOOKIE. The Tookies of the world know this, they know that if they can hang on long enough they'll be exonerated by the liberals.

At the expensive of all of us.

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