Friday, December 02, 2005

This is how it works...

If RodHam is "flying into a rage", it's got to be something good.

"Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton is fighting mad over the Transportation Security Administration's idea of permitting scissors, screwdrivers and other sharp objects back aboard airlines beginning today.
And she's demanding that the controversial plan be cut.
In a letter sent yesterday to Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff and obtained by The Post, Clinton blasts the agency's effort to speed up security checkpoints as nothing more than "finding a way to reintroduce dangerous items onboard aircraft."
Homeland Security officials say fortified cockpit doors would prevent terrorists from gaining control of planes with scissors or boxcutters, and that the rule change would speed passengers through checkpoints.

To which Clinton said, "It is unclear how allowing such previously prohibited, dangerous items onboard aircraft will assist the TSA in making the flying public more secure."

The former first lady said there was "no guarantee the items the TSA seeks to allow onboard could not be used for future attacks" — and she reminded Chertoff that hijackers used boxcutters to mount the 9/11 attacks."

To RodHam, it's unclear that stouter doors can withstand the attack of scissors or nail files or fingernail clippers. To RodHam, if it happened before it can happen again, regardless of measures taken to prevent a few ragheads from bashing their way into a cockpit.

RodHam being against it means the decision was a good one. NONE of those planes would have been much of a danger, except of course for those onboard, were the passengers not told to be sheeple and follow orders, but now isn't the time to get into that.

Later. Maybe.

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