Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Saddam Says He Won't Attend 'Unjust Court'

BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) - Waving a finger and pounding his desk, Saddam Hussein told the judges in his trial to "go to hell" and vowed not to return to court Wednesday. The outburst came at the end of a daylong session Tuesday in which a woman, speaking behind a beige curtain and with her voice...

Good to see that the old man is acting like the spoiled pimp he really is. How shocking that he declares his innocence, and how cool is it to see the once mighty barbarian reduced to whinging.

Oh and by the way, for those who've been commenting upon Sodamned Insanes lack of a tie to accompany the $3,000 suits, please now. It's a combination civilian/military tribunal deal and they really don't like seeing these fella's with anything around their necks. If you check really really close, you'll also see that he is without shoelaces as well.

PS: There doesn't appear to be any truth to the rumor that Saddam Hussein was one of the secret benefactors of Pajamas Media. The $7 million in start up cash was thought to have come from oil for food monies, but persistent phone calls to the UN has led me to believe that Kofi drained the last cent from those illegal dealings, leaving the Pajamahadeen high and dry. Might explain why they have such atrocious graphics and continue to run the same old story day in, day out, day in...

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