Thursday, December 01, 2005

Speedfreak Mom Freed By Court...

...after baby dies within 3 days of birth...from a meth overdose.

But, you see, the baby wasn't a baby when he was poisoned, it was just a fetus and in Hawaii that means an un-human and you can't send someone to jail for killing an unhuman.

Now, a dog, yes. Kill a pooch and you'll at least be heavily fined or even spend some time in the can, but a fetus? No way, jose. And don't hold your breath waiting for any of the great thinkers of our time like Kennedy, or Kerry, or Pelosi, or Boxer, or RodHam to weigh in on the subject to express their outrage.

Hell no, she was merely exercising her reproductive rights, and didn't feel like reproducing no mores. And wait a sec...can she even be called a mom? Wouldn't that mean that as a Mother she was somewhat responsible for her baby's well being?

I'm an idjit for asking such a dumb question?


Read it and weep at: STOP

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