Thursday, December 01, 2005

The Hog Is In Fine Form This Day...

Steve over at Hog On Ice is one of those different bloggers who can broach various and sundry topics without sounding like a frickin dunce, you know, chew bubble gum and walk at the same time and all that jazz, so he's one of my daily reads.

His problem is the fact that he never learned how to kiss bigshot ass, and that makes him less famous than the LGF's and other names I won't mention for fear of hurling all over the keyboard. Not that LGF in and of itself is lame...Charles fills a viable niche by keeping tabs on the moslems...but the Little Green Man is one of the founders of Pajama-Party and that bespeaks volumes about any hint towards sophistication or cutting edge blognology.

Anyways, for the eclectic among you, a daily look-see over at Hog is never a waste of time. Just don't expect to be bullshitted into submission by some fawning jerkwad that publishes all the news thats fit to ensure hits.

That's what Pajama's Media is for, duh.

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Speak yer peace, fella's