Thursday, December 08, 2005

What Precisely IS Torture...

...aside of course from accidentally clicking into Pajamas Media. Lots of people define the word in lots of ways, and the silliest this week comes from, where else, the United Nations:

“Louise Arbour, the high commissioner for human rights at the United Nations [asserted] that holding suspects incommunicado in itself amounts to torture.”

Then Ambassador Bolton steps up to the plate and knocks this silly twit into the upper deck with the following quotes:

"Today is Human Rights Day. It would be appropriate, I think, for the U.N.'s high commissioner for human rights to talk about the serious human rights problems that exist in the world today,"

"It is disappointing that she has chosen to talk about press commentary about alleged American conduct. I think the secretary of state has fully and completely addressed the substance of the allegations, so I won't go back into that again other than to reaffirm that the United States does not engage in torture."

"I think it is inappropriate and illegitimate for an international civil servant to second-guess the conduct that we're engaged in in the war on terror, with nothing more as evidence than what she reads in the newspapers."

We give ANYONE from the UN something of a pass in attempting to define anything that isn't on a 3-Star Menu, and it's good to have Ambassador Bolton taking these detweillers to task. The icing on the cake is the fact that the whingy loons despise him for not hating America, and what's the point of even HAVING a UN if the United States is represented by someone who deflects such stupitidy.

Sort of ruins their day, ya know.

So what is torture? Besides the aforementioned Pajama-Party? To Sodammed Insane and those who adore him, torture is vengeance towards those who've not dropped quickly enough to give knee. To interrogators, torture is the final step in determining information. Important information. Life and death information. And as any good interrogator knows, two or three minutes alone with a man is enough time to have him disclosing the whereabouts of his sainted mother, so we're not talking about some prolonged slug fest as is depicted by the entertainment industry.

Be so kind as to picture this scenario: your 4 year-old daughter is being held captive by a serial killer. Someone knows where they are. How far do you go when asking this someone to spill the beans.

1 comment:

Speak yer peace, fella's