Thursday, December 08, 2005

Trouble In Paradise?

Stop The ACLU » Blog Archive » Division at the ACLU

"Since Mr. Romero stepped into the job just four days before the Sept. 11 attacks, the A.C.L.U. has been transformed. Under his watch, membership and revenues have risen sharply. The use of data to maximize contributions has become more sophisticated. Big donors have been wooed and won. At the group’s first membership conference in Washington in 2003, 1,500 members descended on Congressional offices.
But Mr. Romero has also become a lightning rod, with a band of vociferous internal critics saying that civil liberties are not his top concern."

Staying atop the dastardly machinations of so evil an entity is done with gusty and proficiency by STOP, and they're a regular link as well as a Thurdsay Special, so please be so kind as to have a look-see.

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