Sunday, February 05, 2006

Another Arkansanian bites the dust

Not to piss of my Arkansas friends, but Wal-Mart AND Clinton?

And Gassville?

Man Held in Bar Attack Dies After Shootout

GASSVILLE, Ark. (AP) - The teenager suspected of a hatchet-and-gun attack in a Massachusetts gay bar and in the killing of two people in Arkansas, including a policeman, died Sunday of wounds suffered in a gun battle with officers, authorities said. Jacob D. Robida, 18, died at 3:38 a.m. Sunday.

Witness Maryann Hoyne said she saw the officer's squad car sitting bumper to bumper with Robida's car, and heard three gunshots. She saw Sell on the ground as Robida got back into his car and drove off, she said.

Robida returned a moment later to retrieve his gun, which he had left beside the officer, said Hoyne, manager of the Brass Door Motel in Gassville."

Yes. He forgot his gun and had to drive back to get it. Look in that boys eyes and tell me you see ANY sign of intelligence. Gassville. Near the Brass Door Motel. Sweet mother of pearl.

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