Sunday, February 05, 2006

First Moxie, then Dennis...

Recent updates from two of my favorite bloggers. Be still my beating.

Here's what Den is saying lately:

Evidently The Keys To Being 'New Media' Are A Complete Lack Of Shame And A Short Attention Span...
Well, that didn't last long.
As of Thursday, February 2 (6 in the P of M), Pajamas Media has replaced its Repository of Moral Outrage™ towards Google, Yahoo and Microsoft, known as China Syndrome, with a feature called Fashion Week ("Join 30 bloggers for some truly disruptive, innovative Fashion Week coverage."). And I'll be damed if I can find China Syndrome anywhere on that whole shitty site.

We mentioned that the Pajama Party would soon come to the realization that virtually EVERY frickin entity they desire to leech off of, strike that, generate advertising dollars from, is somehow, some way affiliated with China, and sure enough they've stopped attacking the Yellow Peril.

Pussies. Nothing worse than posers parading feigned indignation just to drum up business.

Right, Steve? (not you Hog)

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