Sunday, February 05, 2006

The difference between civilization...

And they that play make-believe. And yes. It's as bad if not worse than the incompetance that took place in New Orleans. Hundreds of people left to fend for themselves because the mayor, strike that, captain, looked out for his safety above all others.

February 5, 2006 -- SAFAGA, Egypt —

"Survivors of the Red Sea ferry disaster said yesterday the Egyptian captain had fled his burning ship by lifeboat and abandoned them to their fate, as hopes faded of finding some 1,000 missing passengers.
Some passengers, plucked alive from the sea or from boats after the ferry caught fire and sank Friday, said crew members had told them not to worry about the blaze below deck and even ordered them to take off lifejackets.
Many survivors said the fire began about 90 minutes after departure, but the ship kept going."

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Speak yer peace, fella's