Sunday, February 05, 2006

"Er, Um, All I Evah Really Wanted To Do Was Tend Bah...Hic"

But Daddy had other plans for him, so we present the...

Dumb ass statement of the week. Appropriate that it should come from one of the dumbest men of all time.

"We've all heard the slogan 'a day late and a dollar short. Well, for this administration, on education, they're five years late and billions of dollars short."

Fact: The Bush Administration has increased educational spending to the tune of a 70% increase compared to the last year of the Clinton Administration. It's common knowledge that Teddy Kennedy was busted for having others take some of his college exams, but I didn't know that mathmatics was one of the tests he cheated on.


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Speak yer peace, fella's