Sunday, February 05, 2006

Since we've been having so much fun with the religion of Piss...

Protesters Torch Danish Mission in Beirut BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP)

"Muslim rage over caricatures of the prophet Muhammad grew increasingly violent Sunday as thousands of rampaging protesters - undaunted by tear gas and water cannons - torched the Danish mission and ransacked a Christian neighborhood. At least one person reportedly died and..."

Moslem rage meets 21st Century freedom and blinks. Not that these followers of that ancient child molestor need a reason to slash and burn, and it's typical that they'd attack innocent Christians because the Danes haven't kowtow'd. But ask ANY liberal media flack and they'll continue to refer to moslems as members of the religion of peace. Anything remotely resembling a fair media condemns these animals for the flea ridden vermin they are, but we're left to muddle through all of this with the news generated by liberal jackasses who just love to dabble in sleeping with the bad guys.

But that isn't news, and moslems on a rampage isn't either. It's a continuous warning to all people of good will the world over. Never trust these thugs, and settle down to the fact that sooner or later it's going to be them or us.

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Speak yer peace, fella's