Saturday, February 04, 2006

Holster Search...Week Two

Been a couple weeks since receiving my Florida Concealed Weapons Permit and it's been one holster after another in my quest for reasonably comfortable carry. Some are as snug as a bug in a rug but suck at retaining the weapon through thick and thin. Others need several large men pulling at the same time to remove the gun and stick out like a sore thumb. Some are a good combination of retention and fit but "print" through a thin shirt too overtly. It was easy in Iowa. 3 months of warm weather and the rest of the time bring a coat even if the day begins sunny. Could have concealed a 105 mm recoiless rifle under such heavy clothing but the Sunshine State is another story. Temp is only around 70'ish today...or the midwest in late I tossed on a rather longish short-sleeve shirt and wore my thinnest of holsters. Couldn't see a darn thing. No one outed me nor could they, but my search is really for summer carry.

Now you've gotta see the holsters some guys wear, and are recommending. Inside the Waistband is pretty much mandatory for hot days and there are really gorgeous get-ups that are comfy and keep the gun stable, but sweet mother of pearl. I'd need a frickin mumu to hide the bulge and believe it or not that's what some guys like. The law says that the weapon must be reasonably concealed and a bulge here or there isn't getting anyone in trouble with the fuzz. So they purposely print. It's the got me a gun under there syndrome but for me that defeats the purpose. I don't want ANYONE knowing whats under the shirt or tucked in the pants. But with all of the cell phone holders the size of a small child and the fanny packs everywhere you look, perhaps I'm being too careful.

One of the absolute best concealed carry holsters is the Milt Sparks Versa Max 2. Just under $100, marvelous workmanship, but for me it's just too frickin huge. I'll look for a pic and post if Booger is in a good mood today. And keep your recommendations coming. Appreciate it.

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