Saturday, February 11, 2006

I guess...

Dennis is saying that all moslems aren't bad. Okay. But making the aquaintance of a few people outside of their balliwick isn't quite the same as living with them, and old Den is coming perilously close to the old "some of my friends are fill-in-the-blanks."

None of it matters worth a rats ass. He hates Poodle and Raj and Poodle and Raj hate moslems. Even I might come to a moslems defense if I was as screwed over as Dennis was. LGF is pretty much a one-trick pony but Charles doesn't write anything, he just links to dastardly moslem deeds with an exclamation point or two thrown in for good measure, so who the frig knows WHAT he really feels. The lizardoids take the ball and run with it, but Dennis actually knows Johnson so if he says that Roger and Chuckie hate Arabs then I'll tend to believe him until someone comes along to refute the deal.
"Unlike Just About Every Asshole On The Internet..."

... Who’s writing about Islam and Muslims, I happen to actually know something about Islam and Muslims. What’s more, that knowledge was gained via 5 years of daily contact with living, breathing, thinking Muslims....That’s the sort of thing that would separate me from assholes like Charles Johnson and Roger Simon, neither of whom knows anything more about Muslims than the fact that hating them out loud generates site traffic.
And here ya have it. Not only do they hate, but they hate for profit.

Now, I know a thing or two about arabs and islam and moslems, but am not making a dime out of hating the evil ones so I guess it's cool. And like Badanov likes to say; "Mooselimbs are okay as long as they're kept away from lotsa weapons."

Or something like that.

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