Sunday, February 12, 2006

Why I Hate The Internet...

...and the "technology" that goes along with it.

Still using the old pc and of course it does not have any stored passwords to my favorite places that require passwords. Tried accessing the NY Post and it not only wouldn't take my password but even after I changed the bloody thing it still denied me entry and 15 minutes frigging with a typewriter with a silencer is just about all I can take. Times like this I wonder what the hell is the fascination with the net. I don't chat with others, but do get email from far flung corners of the globe and keeping in touch with old and new friends is something cool I suppose. Television sucks so that isn't an option, and maybe I just need a good book and to hell with fooling with monitors that conk out and pcs that have a shelf life of several months and web sites that crash if a sparrow flies by the window and farts in the general direction.

The hell with it. C'mon, Lisa, let's go shooting.

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