Saturday, February 04, 2006

"Knick owner James Dolan was unwilling to pay a couple of million bucks to make a sexual-harassment lawsuit against his team president disappear.
But yesterday, Dolan signed off on a deal to bring in defensively deficient, 33-year-old Jalen Rose — a move that will cost Dolan $34 million in future payroll, including luxury tax.

In what smacks of a diversionary attempt by the franchise to get Knick fans talking basketball and not lawsuits, president Isiah Thomas obtained Jalen Rose from Toronto for maligned Antonio Davis, whose wife, Kendra, was charged this week in Illinois with misdemeanor battery for throwing a cup of coffee."

So now the fans in Toronto will be showered with coffee and as much spittle as the deranged Mrs. Davis can muster. That's if the judge in Chicago allows this nutcase to attend any basketball games. And if the Raptors have even a dash of common sense they'll get a restraining order against the woman before she smacks and spits herself into a Canadian slammer.

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