Saturday, February 04, 2006

English, please?

"Some very interesting comments in this article on Verizon’s FiOS rollout from ars technica. Seems lots and lots of folks want it. (I know I do). Here’s a uniquely good comment from “boerner”:

I have had FIOS at my home for about 7-8 months now. I am located in the Philadelphia suburbs, and have the 15mb plan.Aside from the initial installer taking 7 hours to complete the process (he said it was only his second or third install) The system has been pretty rock solid and FAST. When I am trying to pull down something from a server with another fat pipe, or a well seeded torrent, it just flies.Case in point, the last Ubuntu distro I pulled down (about 650 meg) took about 5-6 minutes."

I simply cannot stand when a frickin company decides to name something akin to Verizon's FiOS. I know that the car company's have taken all the good names but fer chrissake. And what in the name of all that's holy is Ubuntu distro? I always imagined that when the geeks finally took over, things would be MORE rather than LESS literate, and to top it off this detweiler is recommending something that took SEVEN HOURS to install? Does "the man was casing the joint for a future cat-burglary" mean anything to ya?

And what's the remedy to not being able to access Verizon's new uber-tech? Write your local mayors. Yeah, right. Doesn't anyone know what it REALLY takes to do business?

I found this The Channel Changer: "I Want My IPTV!" here Ankle Biting Pundits

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