Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Michelle Malkin On Liberal Guilt, And More...

"When it comes to speaking and writing on unpleasant matters, I learned a long time ago to stop apologizing. It is a waste of my breath, time, and energy to precede every political discussion with "I'm not saying all [X] are [Y]." Or: "Of course, I don't hate all [Z] and please don't misunderstand me, blah, blah, blah."

Liberal guilt is a defect I don't suffer. And, in these times, none us can afford.

Because of this unwillingness to preface my arguments with Kleenex-wetting clauses, I am invariably accused of being motivated first and solely by hatred, bigotry, racism, sexism, whatever-ism--whether the topic is the mechanics of immigration enforcement or national security profiling or the spread of radical Islam.

This hysterical reaction in the Toronto Star to the Muhammad Cartoons Blogburst is a shining example of what I'm talking about:

Hate behind right-wing blogburstNo need to publish offensive cartoonsFeb. 7, 2006. 01:00 AMANTONIA ZERBISIAS

Well that didn't take long.
While Muslim religious extremists are rioting in the streets of Beirut, Gaza City and Kabul, Scandinavian embassies are being torched and Jordanians are deprived of their Danish feta over cartoons that were never actually published in any legitimate newspaper, the right-wing blogosphere has been staging its own "blogburst": the act of reproducing the offending depictions of the Prophet Muhammad.

When, if ever, will these crybaby liberals discover that it's okay to mock incredibly evil people without hating them? Michelle Malkin doesn't hate moslems, probably not even the sick fucks who behead little girls for showing too much ankle. The loons think that if you're against something then you have a phobia or hatred for it, because god forbid you just don't like it.

But I, you see, DO hate radical moslems, and don't mind saying so. They are the disgusting perverted bottom feeders of humanity and should be eradicated from the face of the earth. They've killed my friends and relatives and would kill me too if given the opportunity. The moslems who don't protest the actions of their vile brethren are enablers. By not speaking up they finance terrorism in more ways than providing monetary assistance (called aiding and abetting), and while I am not hateful towards them, I do find them contemptible. The ones I truly feel for are the women and children who have no say in the matter and must live in fear.

These bastards kill, rape, and maim thousands upon thousands of people a year, have been making the destruction of everyone not a moslem their biggest goal for 1500 years, and it's not fair to poke fun at the sick fuck who started it all?

And to show my contempt for the Toronto Star, and also because it's funny as shit, here's ANOTHER picture of old Mo doing what he did best.

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