Tuesday, February 07, 2006

While the PJ's dance silently in the streets...

Verizon Executive Calls for End to Google's 'Free Lunch'

By Arshad MohammedWashington Post Staff WriterTuesday, February 7, 2006
A Verizon Communications Inc. executive yesterday accused Google Inc. of freeloading for gaining access to people's homes using a network of lines and cables the phone company spent billions of dollars to build.

Um, and WHY is Verizon building all of these lines and cables? And charging their customers outrageous fees? Because millions of people want to surf the web faster. Using Google. No Google, no other search engines, and there's no need for lines and cables and outrageous fees, so if I were Google I'd call their bluff. Suddenly company's like Verizon are in it for the altruism.


I'd click on over to see what Pajamas Media has to say about it, but since this is fresh news it'll take a week or so to hit their radar. And more than one click a week makes me feel dirty all over.


  1. SBC in Oklahoma and Texas is making the same noise; a warning shot across Google's bow. It's their pipes and they decide what takes place in their pipes.

    As it is now, federal communications laws and very clear on the. The owner of the network sets policy and prices. That means Verizon rules their network and Google must play by their rules, or be cut off, or constricted.

    That means to me that Google would have to build a nation wide network to rival SBC and others to avoid getting in trouble over use of the provider's pipe.

  2. Not like Google doesn't have the resources, and in that way Verizon and others are correct in saying they've been getting something of a free ride. But Verizon sucks so bad it's hard for me to feel sorry for them. And Google does too so who's a guy to root for. The bottom line is the fact that we're the one's who will wind up paying through the nose, somehow, some way.


Speak yer peace, fella's