Saturday, February 04, 2006

Moonbats A'Twitter Over The Joint Chiefs Letter To The Post...

"There was nothing in the portrayal of the soldier in the cartoon that showed disaproval of the soldier himself.If there was I'm not getting it.But you know what would you expect from a sbit.No...the disregaurd (sic) for that soldier was all that was evident to me.The point got across to me.Of course it served a political purpose.It was a political cartoon after all.I agree with Dave.It is a threat.I percieve (sic) it that way too. All I see in this is a shut up thing.You are for us or against us."

The above is from a seriously deranged individual commenting over at Seeing the Forest: The MILITARY Threatens Wash. Post. The tinfoilers are scared to death that the military has just declared war upon them, and the nutnet blogs are overflowing with weepy worry. They really do not get-it. They really cannot understand how depicting a quadruple amputee would upset military folks. But how COULD they understand? Why should they become agitated over a wounded soldier?

Now, draw a cartoon about a scout dog losing a paw and the screams would echo across the globe.

And remember the flap about the toy soldier? The action figure that islamic terrorists were using to fool the moonbats into thinking they'd captured an American serviceman? Remember how they howled at the poor toy soldiers plight? Then continued with the crocodile tears even after coming to the conclusion that it was all a sham?

ANYTHING that portrays the Administration in a bad light is SOMETHING these cretins adore.

Featuring a mutilated human being for the sake of making a political point is disgraceful.

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