Saturday, February 04, 2006

Diplomacy. Texas Style.

First the State Department did a tsk-tsk over the Koranimations that have Islams finest doing backflips, and now this:

Rumsfeld Urges Diplomacy in Iran Dispute MUNICH, Germany (AP)

"Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld urged the world Saturday to find a diplomatic solution to halt Iran's nuclear program, but Sen. John McCain said only hours later that military action could not be ruled out. Rumsfeld told an international security conference that the...

Never, ever, piss off a Texan then believe that his offer of comraderie is genuine. Were I an Iranian, the latest utterings from the Bush Administration would scare the shit out of me.


  1. Some people need to learn how to live with rest of the world

  2. History proves otherwise. Caesar told the world to be ever wary of the Germans. 1500 years ago many were predicting chaos should certain cults achieve preeminence. Not disagreeing that the concept of Nirvana is ignoble, merely that certain situations can have only one ending no matter how much diplomacy is extended.

    Thanks for the comment.


Speak yer peace, fella's