Friday, February 03, 2006

More Koranimations...

The State Department...OUR State Department has joined the growing list of shit for brains entities condemming those funny ass cartoons of old Mo.

"The United States blasted the publication by European newspapers of cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed as unacceptable incitement to religious or ethnic hatred.
"These cartoons are indeed offensive to the beliefs of Muslims," State Department spokesman Justin Higgins said when queried about the furore (sic) sparked by the cartoons which first appeared in a Danish newspaper.
"We all fully recognize and respect freedom of the press and expression but it must be coupled with press responsibility," Higgins told AFP.
"Inciting religious or ethnic hatreds in this manner is not acceptable. We call for tolerance and respect for all communities and for their religious beliefs and practices.""

And we here at Messenger call for a firing squad. The Koranimations in question did not depict a deity or deities. They showed a rather irate Mohammed doing what irate Mohammeds do. Brandishing edged weapons or contemplating blowing something...preferrably children...up. For THIS we've stood behind Condi? So some jerkwad spokesman can bust Denmark's balls because they won't surrender? WTF? Did I oversleep and we lost a war to France?

Anyway, here's one of the pics that has every goat fucker alive frothing at their puss ridden mouths. Go ahead. Declare a jihad on me. My place or yours.

Story found at Michelle's joint.

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