Friday, February 03, 2006

"We'll Defend Israel..."

February 3, 2006 -- "Conspiracy theorists must have jumped for joy this week when President Bush declared unequivocally — "you bet," he said — that the United States would defend Israel militarily against attack from Iran.
After all, lefty loonies and far-right isolationists alike have been muttering for years that the war in Iraq was undertaken at Israel's instigation. This must have seemed confirmation of their darkest suspicions.
But the president wasn't announcing a sudden shift of U.S. policy: Israel has been under the U.S. nuclear umbrella for decades — because a safe, secure Israel has long been, and remains, in America's best interests, too.
True, in the past the threat was largely from the Soviet Union, while the present issue is the prospect of a nuclear-armed, bellicose Iran.
Indeed, Bush was speaking precisely to Iran's ruling mullahs when he spoke."

The EUrinals have mucked this up so badly it might very well mean military intervention against Iran, and soon. Not from them of course. Part of the reason they are pretty much AWOL from the Iraq war is the simple fact that they do not possess a modern military beyond the occasional halfway decent tank, or whatever armament we've sold or given to them. Iran knows this quite well, and also knows that the Euro's are energy-beggars who will do pretty much anything to continue the flow of Iranian oil. That's why WE will be the ones doing the wet work while the French and Germans play nice so they can stay in Iran's good graces. The timetables revolve around full production from the Iraqi oil fields, so stay tuned.

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