Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Mr. Peanut Sinks To The Occasion

February 8, 2006 -- "Jimmy Carter may or may not have been the worst president of the 20th century — history will have the final word on that — but his disgraceful performance yesterday at Coretta Scott King's funeral marks him as the most shameless.
Maybe of all time.
There is, after all, a time and place for everything — but not for Carter.
In a reprehensible (albeit typical) display of tone-deafness, the former president used the funeral of Dr. Martin Luther King's widow to score cheap points against President Bush. (He wasn't alone in that regard, more of which in a bit.)
Carter warmed up by conjuring the outlandish conspiracy theories that still linger from Hurricane Katrina: "We only have to recall the color of the faces of those in Louisiana, Alabama and Mississippi who are most devastated by Katrina to know that there are not yet equal opportunities for all Americans."
Then he segued on to the Bush administration.
In what could only be taken as a direct attack on Bush's electronic surveillance of suspected terrorists — a program Carter has repeatedly denounced as "illegal" — the ex-prez said of Mrs. King and her slain husband, Martin Luther King, "they became the targets of secret government wiretapping and other surveillance."

True enough — though Carter couldn't quite bring himself to note that the wire-tapping was conducted under Presidents John Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson, and was originally ordered by Attorney General Robert Kennedy, all Democrats."

Okay let's stop there. Jimmy Carter WAS the worst President of the 2oth Century, beating out Blow Job Billy by a pubic hair. Both discraced the country and allowed our enemies to attack us with impunity. And it is typical for a liberal to use a solemn occasion to promote an agenda because they simply love standing atop a body and preaching. The wonder of it all is the fact that we've yet to see them stopping by roadside traffic accidents to ascend a soapbox and weep how Bush lied and people died.

To a liberal, a time and a place means anytime, anyplace. Because when you can't beat 'em, overwhelm 'em with bullshit.

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