Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Double Standards You Betcha

"When the Brooklyn Academy of Music displayed artwork showing an image of the Virgin Mary made out of elephant dung, neither TV nor newspaper editors showed any qualms about showing the controversial piece — which outraged Christians as blasphemous.

Many Jews have been offended by the constant use of Nazi imagery to attack Israel. During the original Palestinian intifada, for example, one newspaper cartoon showed Israeli soldiers breaking into a Palestinian home, only to find Anne Frank writing her diary. Those who objected to those and similar images were curtly dismissed.

Frankly, the images that prompted the current riots are pretty tame compared to the anti-Jewish material that's regularly featured in Arab media."

Which is what most of us have been saying all along. The portraits of Mighty Mo pale in comparison to what the Arabs (and moonbats) regularly pass along to insult other religions but the mass media defends their right to do so. But when the sandal is on the other foot, watch out. There's big business in reporting from islamic strongholds across the world and what would happen if the AP and CNN were sent packing because they defended a cartoonist who offended the sand fleas. Besides, moslems hate America so that MUST mean they are worthy comrades in arms.

And what are the weepy news outlets going to do when it's time for the winners of Iran's paint-us-a-dirty-joo to be announced? Think they'll show THOSE cartoons? Betcha they somehow leak out.

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