Monday, February 06, 2006

Never Again

February 6, 2006 -- "DO you remember Rick Rescorla? He was the Morgan Stanley security chief who persistently warned Port Authority officials before the first World Trade Center bombing that the Twin Towers were vulnerable to terrorist attack. They didn't listen.
After six people died in the 1993 bombing, Rescorla repeatedly drilled employees on evacuation procedures. On 9/11, after the first jet slammed into Tower One at 8:46 a.m., he ignored the official order to send his workforce back to their desks in the south tower.

"Everything above where that plane hit is going to collapse," he told a friend over the phone. "I'm getting my people the [expletive] out of here."

The 62-year-old Vietnam veteran grabbed a bullhorn and led hundreds of people out of the building, singing "God Bless America" to keep them from losing their nerve, going back again and again for stragglers.

He's credited with evacuating 2,700 people, but did not save himself.

Listening to members of Congress argue about the National Security Agency (NSA) terrorist-surveillance program brought Rescorla to mind. What would he think about all the dry legal arguments concerning the president's authority for intercepting al Qaeda conversations?
I think the decorated war hero would say, "If it'll it save my people, do it."

After The New York Times seized on an illegal leak to reveal the secret program's existence last month, Rep. Jane Harman, the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee and one of the "Gang of Eight" given a full briefing on the program, said, "I believe the program is essential to U.S. national security and that its disclosure has damaged critical intelligence capabilites."
Gen. Michael Hayden, the principal deputy director of national intelligence (appointed to his previous job as NSA director by President Bill Clinton), said — "unequivocally" — that we've gotten intelligence information that "otherwise would not be available."

We'll stop right there, although you should read the above in it's entirety over at the NY Post.

The liberals criticizing the electronic interception programs are not doing so because they believe they do not work, or that there's a better way, or even that it's an infringement upon the nations privacy. They're bitching because bitching incites the netnuts and raises campaign money and have once again used a sensitive topic to sink to the occasion.

Missing is an alternative plan but the loons are not all that hot in giving good alternative plan. When, if ever, will they come to the startling conclusion that protecting the lives of Americans in America should be their number one priority?

Perhaps even more important than getting elected.


  1. Liberals love dead Americans.

  2. Must be so, bad. They are the cannibals among us and I can't figure these frigs out. Not that being young and stupid is a crime so I cut some slack to the kids who profess liberal attitudes, but grown men and women?

    Cowards and traitors.


Speak yer peace, fella's