Monday, February 06, 2006

The wife of the most decorated Marine in history has passed away...

"The Old Dominion Chapter of the 1st Marine Division Association is saddened to report the death of a very dear friend.Virginia Evans Puller, the widow of Lt. Gen. Lewis B. Puller, USMC, died yesterday at the age of 97. Services will be conducted at 3 PM on Saturday, 11 February at Christ Church Parish. Interment will be in the church cemetery, Christ Church, Va. (the area is about 4 miles East of Saluda, Va.)."

Semper Fi.

As a member of the 1st Marine Division Association I have presented the above with much sadness. Damn but she was one helluva dame. RIP, Ginny.


  1. so..
    what did she ever do, besides marry a guy that did something?

  2. Ginny was an inspiration. She became famous through marriage, true, and used that fame to bolster morale wherever she went. Think of Eleanor Roosevelt with brass ones. Plenty of guys were in combat one moment, then being awakened to hear "Mrs. Puller would like to thank you..." seemingly the next.

    Thanks for stopping by, and it was a fair question.


Speak yer peace, fella's