Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Powerline Poops Publically Then Preens...

Wasn't going to tackle this. For a myriad of reasons. Over at my old blog sites I'd hammer Powerline unmercifully whenever they'd drag out one unsophisticated take or another on a subject, and knew from the moment they drooled over how purdy Wonkette was that these guys weren't ready for anything close to primetime.

And now one of them has interviewed...TRIED to interview Dick the Turban and it was a disaster. My carping about these wannabees is old news, so here's some fresh blood from some fresh bloodletters:

Hog On Ice

"In view of the sad history of bloggers as journalists, it would be great to see PJM do something to improve our reputation. But the Mirengoff video shows they still have a long way to go. A reporter should ask questions, but Mirengoff appears to be making arguments instead. In fact, Durbin points that out to him. He says Mirengoff appears to be repeating the arguments of Attorney General Gonzalez. Durbin is a son of a bitch, but he is not stupid, and Mirengoff was totally unprepared for his response."

Dennis The Peasant

"Note To John Hinderaker: Paul Mirengoff is a lawyer in Washington DC. Big.Fucking.Deal. That doesn't qualify as an exceptional distinction; there are several lawyers in Washington DC. Honest. And except for the happy (for you) accident of having the Dan Rather Affair start (quite by chance) on your web site, nobody would have the slightest idea of who Paul Mirengoff is. Yeah, I know he went to Dartmouth, but so did Roger Simon... and look at what that non-mediocre intellect has done with 7 million bucks. So until Mirengoff gets elected to the Senate or something, he remains just another jerk-off lawyer whose career allows him the free time to run around pestering our elected officials."

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