Wednesday, February 08, 2006

This Just In From Ankle Biting Pundits...

"Site UpdatePosted by bulldogpundit on Wednesday, 08 February 2006 (08:11:33) EST Pat's in NYC speaking at a blogging workshop with Peter Daou and CNN's Jacki Schechner. I've got in court in Philly this morning and will be returning sometime around mid-afternoon. Lots of fresh content below. See ya later on today."

Blogging workshop? Now, I like these guys and they do a good job blogging, but a workshop? Bloggers need someplace to go to learn how to rant using horrid English and awful pictures? Sweet mother of pearl. Why not something USEFUL? Something like a how-to-draw-the-pig-fucker-Mohammed-mounting-a-prize-porker workshop?

Sweet lord a' mighty but we're getting so full of ourselves.

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Speak yer peace, fella's